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185 - Keeping In Touch With Customers | Weekly Newsletters

Hey everyone, in this video, I'm going to talk about how I stay in touch with my customers using email newsletters. At my business, it's important to keep our customer base engaged, so they don't forget about us and continue to recommend us to others. Since the average agent may not take listings every month, we need to stay in front of them consistently. So, we send out weekly email newsletters to keep them informed and engaged. Regarding frequency, we've found that once a week works well for us. We send them out on Tuesdays at 10 am, which has resulted in good open rates and engagement from real estate agents. However, you should choose a frequency that works for you and stick to it consistently. Whether that's monthly, bi-weekly, or multiple times a week, consistency is key. For the newsletter content, we share updates about our business, such as new products and website features. We also run promotions and giveaways, highlight customer listings, ask for feedback and reviews, and share real estate news. We use Kajabi for our email marketing newsletters, but if you're just getting started, I would recommend MailChimp. It's easy to use, and it's currently free for up to 2000 contacts. Even if you're experienced, Kajabi may not be the right tool for you. So, if you're just starting out, MailChimp may be a great option. If you don't like MailChimp, you can always Google MailChimp alternatives, and you'll find a bunch of other options. You can also use a tool called Zapier to automatically build your email marketing list for new customer registrations. The bottom line is that it doesn't matter what tool you use, as long as you stay connected and add value to your customers. Communicating weekly with your customers will go a long way in creating a loyal customer base that refers others to your business. That's all for this video. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. See you on the next one! #EmailMarketing #Newsletter #CustomerEngagement #CustomerExperience #RealEstateMarketing #EmailCampaigns #StayConnected #AddValue #LoyalCustomers #MailChimp #Kajabi #MarketingAutomation #Zapier #RealEstateNews #Promotions #Giveaways #Feedback #Reviews #Listings #Updates

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