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190 - Onboarding And Training

In this video, I'm going to talk about our onboarding and training process for new hires. Here in Phoenix, we like to meet new team members in person at our office to go over their role expectations and responsibilities. During this session, we place a heavy emphasis on customer experience, as that is our number one priority. We also take the time to explain our policies and procedures so that new team members know exactly what's expected of them before they start. For new hires in Tucson or Las Vegas, we do the same onboarding session, but over Zoom or on the phone. Regardless of the location, it's important to make sure new team members understand what's expected of them from day one. In terms of training, we pair new hires with experienced media specialists and trainers for a few weeks to get a good understanding of what the role looks like. Most media specialists we hire aren't too familiar with real estate photography, so we focus on helping them grasp composition. Our camera settings and equipment are very simple and easy to use, so they can focus on composition and customer experience. To supplement their training, we provide product training videos to help shorten the learning process. We've found that two weeks is a good timeframe for new hires to get a good grasp on composition and experience what the customer interactions should look like. After the two weeks, we give them a lot of feedback on their photos until they feel confident and their photos look similar to the rest of the team. We also train our real estate photographers to overshoot properties since they're usually not confident when first starting out on their own. Our photo editors then eliminate unnecessary duplicates and pick the best ones to deliver to our customers. The training process is pretty straightforward, and we make sure they master photography before adding additional services. Patience is key during the learning and training process, as some media specialists learn faster than others. After three months, we expect our media specialists to have a good grasp on most of the products that we offer, and to obtain their part 107 license within that same timeframe. Our goal is to have all our media specialists master all the services we offer within six months, which is pretty fast, especially for someone who has never shot real estate. Having a well-rounded team helps our admin staff assign any available media specialist to any customer order. We want to make sure that all our team members are well-trained and equipped to handle any job that comes their way. If you have any questions about our onboarding and training process, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're happy to help. #onboarding #training #employeesuccess #newhires #realestatephotography #customerservice #responsibilities #policies #procedures #producttraining #photographytraining #part107license #mediaspecialists #teamtraining #customerexperience #feedback #patience #teamwork

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