125 - Matterport Camera Vs. Ricoh Theta Z1 - Comparison
Hey guys, in this video, we're going to do a quick comparison between the Matterport 3D floor plans with the Matterport camera and the Ricoh Theta Z1 camera. So let's get into it. Alright, so here on the left, we have the Matterport camera, and then the one on the right is the Z1. I'm going to go ahead and load them both up.
First up, I want to show let's do this start out with the dollhouse view. So let's click back dollhouse. But first off, you can see the media, you can see that you have more options with the Matterport camera. The Z1 doesn't have any depth sensors, the Matterport camera does, so you can actually generate a floor plan from it. So all you have to do is click Buy on it. And so anyways, you do have to make it public and do a couple things before you can do that. But they generate it pretty quickly. And it's a nice add-on that we offer to our customers. I would say probably about 25% of our customers order that when they order Matterport. So it is a nice offering to be able to offer that without doing an additional scan of the house.
Looking here at the dollhouse view, you can see that, in my opinion, the white balance on the Matterport is much better than the Z1. So quality-wise, I would have to give it to the Matterport camera from that perspective. Now obviously from speed, the Z1 is about twice as fast as shooting with the Matterport. Obviously, it's not rotating. Let's click here in the garage. So when you're in the model, you can see some differences here. Let me go into the garage, I try to do very similar scans, so we can do a good comparison.
But if you look at the door, you can clearly see that, with the Z1, when you scan up, it actually shows some additional detail in the front. Since the Matterport camera is not necessarily a 360 camera but one that moves and takes a picture, you can see how you have this kind of blob area here at the top. Now I think at the bottom, since there's a tripod, it's going to be pretty close to the same when you're looking down. But most people aren't going to be staring straight up looking at the ceiling when they're looking at the model. So, that's one thing that the Z1 provides that the Matterport doesn't.
Let's head up the stairs and just see what differences we have. So we're both on the same stairs, I think it's the same kind of deal. White balance accuracy is probably the biggest thing that I am noticing. Let's take a look at this scan right here with a window. I mean, it's a little bit more vibrant. And in the Z1 camera, whether that's good or not is up to you. But I'd probably say that the Matterport definitely looks more realistic.
In my personal opinion, I think the Matterport camera is more professional and also seems more professional when you show up with a more legitimate-looking camera than a really small 360 camera like the Z1. And I think agents know what a Matterport camera looks like if they've done Matterport in the past. So, if they've done those Matterports and then you just show up with a 360 camera, from a quality perspective, if the customer didn't know what to expect with a Matterport, would you really notice that big of a difference? I would say no. You know, there are some differences, but I think if an agent just got this and they didn't know which camera you were shooting with, would they know that you used the Z1 or the Matterport? Probably not. I could, as a photographer, know the ins and outs of these cameras and be able to tell the differences, but for the average person, it might not be noticeable.
Overall, I think both cameras have their strengths and weaknesses. The Z1 is faster and more compact, which can be great for certain situations. The Matterport, on the other hand, has more features and produces higher-quality images. It also offers the option to generate floor plans, which can be a valuable add-on for customers.
In conclusion, the choice between the two cameras really depends on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the user. As for me, I prefer the Matterport camera for its higher-quality images and additional features, but I can see the benefits of the Z1 for certain situations.
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