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91 - Frame Grab Aerial Photos Tutorial

In this video, I'm going to show you how I got aerial photos from my aerial video clips. It all started with a little miscommunication between me and the customer. They wanted photos, but I thought they were talking about video the whole time. Lesson learned: it's important to make sure you and your customer are on the same page. So, I had to figure out a way to deliver the photos they wanted. I decided to use frame grabs and extracted 33 images that I wanted to deliver to the customer. It took me about 30 minutes to complete the process, but then my computer froze up on me. Frustrating, I know, but I didn't let it deter me. I want to go over the entire process, step by step, so you can see exactly how I did it. First, I put all my drone clips on my desktop. I had six clips to go through, and I just hit record once and did the whole property instead of hitting start and stop, because, honestly, I'm not very good at remembering to hit record. I used an app called Frame Grab to do the screen grabs. You can use any application you want, but I found this one to be useful. It cost me about two bucks, and it's available on the Mac App Store. I just scrubbed through the video and added the clips I wanted to the queue. Once I had all the clips I needed, I exported them to the images folder. I imported the 33 images into Lightroom Classic and made sure they were all in the same format we deliver all our photos in. I didn't do any presets on them, just changed the photos from 16 by 9 to 3 by 2. I tried to do as little work as possible on the back end, because the drone did a great job picking out the colors. I only made some slight color adjustments and used the sharpening tool to make some minor sharpening adjustments where needed. I went through all 33 images and made sure they were consistent. I made some crop adjustments to a few of them, and I used the sharpening tool to bring out some detail in the mountains. Overall, the images looked great. Once I was happy with the images, I exported them and sent them over to the customer. It wasn't the ideal situation, but it gave me a good opportunity to think outside the box and deliver for my customer. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for watching! #dronephotography #aerialphotography #aerialvideo #droneshots #dronelife #dronepilot #dronesofinstagram #dronegear #dronepics #dronestagram #quadcopter #quadcopterphotography #droneview #droneservices #droneshot #dronelifestyle #droneworld #droning #dronedaily #dronephoto

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