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101 - Editing Session - Job Shadow #1 - Aerial Videography - Gold Canyon

Hey there! In this video, I'm going to show you how I edit aerial videos using Final Cut Pro. First, I create a new library specifically for the aerial video project, and then I create a new project within that library. I set the project to deliver a 1080p 24 frame per second video for my client. Next, I import all of the aerial video clips into Final Cut Pro from the folder where they're saved. Some people prefer to scrub through the footage before dropping it on the timeline, but I like to drop it on the timeline first and then skim through the footage to see which clips I want to use. I recently shot an aerial video at a house during twilight, so I had some extra time to take some video footage. I used the Mavic Air 2 to shoot the video, which isn't as good in low light conditions as the Mavic 2 Pro. When shooting for a client, it's important to ensure that you and the videographer are not in the shots. It's much easier to edit yourself out of photos than it is for video, so it's essential to be mindful of that during the shoot. I typically fly around and record as much footage as possible, which I can later use to create a one to two minute aerial video. I prefer shorter videos that are interesting and diverse rather than longer ones that repeat the same shots. When editing, I go through all of the footage and cut any potential usable shots. I then go through it again to fine-tune the clips and make sure they flow well together. Some shots require blade speeds to make them smoother, and I also use transitions to smooth out the drastic changes from one clip to another. I always make sure to duplicate the project before making any significant changes, so I can easily go back if needed. Once I'm happy with the final product, I export the video and deliver it to the client. And that's how I edit aerial videos using Final Cut Pro! #FinalCutPro #AerialVideoEditing #MavicAir2 #VideoEditingTips #1080p24fps #VideoProduction #AerialVideography #DroneFootage #VideoEditingWorkflow #ShortVideoEditing #VideoTransitions #BladeSpeeds #VideoExport #ClientDeliverables

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