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119 - The Equipment | Ricoh Tours

In this video, I want to talk to you about the equipment you need to do Rico tours. As a real estate photographer, the basic equipment you'll need includes a smartphone or tablet, a 360 camera, and a tripod or mono pod. It's also important to sign up at and download their app. Although you can use your smartphone for Rico tours, I highly recommend investing in a 360 camera for better image quality and a more efficient shooting process. At our company, we use the Ricoh Theta V camera for our Rico tours, which is a great camera that won't break the bank. It's also worth checking Rico's website for any current offers where they may give you a free 360 camera when you sign up for their annual subscription. To make the process smoother, I recommend using a tripod plate extension so that you don't have to remove the tripod plate every time you need to charge the camera. Also, make sure to have a power bank with you to charge your camera between shoots if you have multiple shoots on a single day. When it comes to the tripod vs. mono pod debate, most of our photographers use tripods because they offer a steadier shot and are less likely to tip over. However, I prefer to use a mono pod because it shows up less in reflections and makes it easier to move around the home. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal preference and what works best for you. So, that's the basic equipment you need to do Rico tours. If you have any additional questions or need further guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always happy to help. #RicoTours #360Camera #RealEstateMarketing #VirtualTour #PropertyTour #PhotographyEquipment #RicohThetaV #Tripod #Monopod #RealEstatePhotography #PropertyMarketing #OnlineMarketing #VirtualPropertyTour #EquipmentNeeded #RicoToursApp #SmartphonePhotography

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