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183 - 5 Strategies For Customer Acquisition

In this video, I'm going to share with you six strategies that I've personally used for customer acquisition. The first strategy is using social media. It's easy to connect with potential customers through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Building relationships with agents by engaging with their posts before asking for their business is a good idea. The second strategy is email campaigns. It can be challenging to stand out in agents' inboxes, but personalized messaging can help. Personalizing emails by referencing their listings or brokerage can make a difference. I personally got some of my first customers through email campaigns, even though I wasn't an expert in email marketing at the time. The third strategy is phone calls. While it's the least utilized strategy, it can be very effective if you're comfortable on the phones. Introducing yourself and building a relationship with agents and offering them a discount can help with conversions. I've gotten several customers from this activity, but it takes a lot of time and effort. The fourth strategy is office visits. It's a strategy we've used in each of our main markets, especially when starting out. Visiting the biggest brokerages in the area, dropping off flyers, and introducing ourselves can help get our name out there. The fifth strategy is partnering with industry partners. Connecting with companies that are face to face with many real estate agents daily can be a great way to grow your business. We've gotten many new customers over the years by partnering with others in the industry. The sixth and final strategy is brokerage vendor contracts. Many brokerage vendor programs can make you the media company of choice for their agents, but it comes at a cost. It's essential to track new customer acquisitions for each vendor deal to make sure that it's worth it. So those are the six strategies that I've used personally for customer acquisition. There are other activities out there that you can do to acquire new customers, but these are the main ones that I've found effective. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. #customeracquisition #socialmediastrategy #emailmarketing #phonecalls #officevisits #industrypartnerships #brokeragevendorcontracts #realestatebusiness #marketingstrategies #growyourbusiness

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