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140 - 7 Tips For Shooting Luxury Photos

Luxury photography is all about capturing the essence of a property and making it look its absolute best. To achieve this, there are several tips that photographers should keep in mind to ensure success. The first tip is to manage your time effectively. This is especially important when shooting Twilight luxury photos, as you need to be aware of the time to give yourself sufficient time to shoot the best interior and exterior shots. Setting a phone alarm for 15 minutes after sunset is a helpful reminder to start shooting the exterior shots. Being efficient is also key. Keeping equipment set up minimal and lightweight allows photographers to move around with relative ease and capture a higher number of quality shots. Knowing the best time of day to shoot is also important, as the lighting conditions can greatly affect the outcome of the photos. Shooting daytime luxury shoots when the sun is at its highest point in the sky is preferred. However, for Twilight luxury shoots, some properties might look better at dawn, so it's important to be aware of the lighting conditions for each individual property. Listening to your customers is also essential. Understanding their goals for the property and striving towards the same goal will make for a successful shoot. When shooting single exposures, make sure to preview the images in-camera and use your best judgment on whether to adjust exposure settings based on the camera's light metering. Giving yourself enough time is also key to success. Arriving an hour or so before sunset to shoot the entire home during the day gives you potential backup photos and bonus images you can deliver to the customer. Simplifying external lighting is recommended to avoid cumbersome set-up and takedown times. Using a single high-powered battery-powered flash allows for more movement and capture of more shots. For extremely large homes, having two people at the shoot, one focused on the interior and another focused on the exterior, is helpful to maximize the best lighting. Lastly, having backup equipment is crucial to ensure that the shoot goes smoothly. Bringing extra equipment with you at all times, such as an extra camera, extra flash, extra batteries, and extra SD cards, will make the shooting process less stressful knowing that you have backups and everything should the unexpected happen. In conclusion, following these tips will guide photographers towards success when shooting luxury photography. As always, keep in mind the customer's goals and strive to deliver a consistent product and a great experience. #luxuryphotography #photographytips #photographyequipment #shootingluxuryhomes #twilightphotography #daytimephotography #photographyworkflow #photographybusiness #customerexperience #backupequipment

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