The Real Estate Photography Hub Blog

129 - Job Shadow # 2 - Zillow 3D - Beautiful On The Insdie, Ugly Outside

Written by Jordan Nielsen | Apr 9, 2023 4:01:16 AM
The use of technology has revolutionized the way we buy and sell homes. One of the most popular tools used by real estate agents and home sellers today is Zillow, an online platform that allows you to browse through thousands of homes and connect with agents. But what sets Zillow apart from other platforms is its 3D Home app, which enables real estate agents to create virtual tours of homes that allow potential buyers to take a detailed look at the property without leaving their home. In this essay, we'll be discussing the process of creating a Zillow floor plan and virtual tour of a single storey 1000 square foot home. The process involves using a camera linked to a mobile device and the 3D Home app to create a virtual tour of the property. The first step in creating a Zillow floor plan and virtual tour is to turn on the camera and make sure it's linked to your mobile device. After this, you select the floor plan and virtual tour option in the 3D Home app and choose the type of property you're scanning. In this case, we're scanning a single family home. Once you've chosen the property type, the app loads a preview of the home. You start by scanning the front yard and then move on to the front door scan. The app provides a custom room name, which you can choose to keep or rename later. From there, you proceed to the calibration scan, where you place an 8.5 by 11 standard letter size piece of paper on the floor. This scan is used to calibrate the floorplan and ensure that the virtual tour is accurate. Once the calibration scan is complete, you move on to scanning each room in the house. You start with the living room, then move on to the hallway, bathroom, and bedrooms. For each room, you add a step and name the room. You can also choose to add custom labels for each room if you wish. The process of scanning each room is straightforward. You point the camera in the direction of the room and press the scan button. The app provides a preview of the scan, which you can use to ensure that you have captured the entire room. Once you've scanned all the rooms, you move on to the exterior of the home. You scan the carport, backyard, and back porch, taking care to avoid capturing any neighboring properties. Finally, you review the photos and virtual tour to ensure that they're thorough and accurate. In conclusion, creating a Zillow floor plan and virtual tour is a simple and effective way to showcase a property to potential buyers. The process involves using a camera linked to a mobile device and the 3D Home app to create a virtual tour of the property. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a comprehensive virtual tour that allows buyers to take a detailed look at the property without leaving their home. This is an invaluable tool for real estate agents and home sellers looking to showcase their properties in the digital age. #Zillow #VirtualTour #FloorPlan #RealEstate #HomeTour #SingleStorey #1000SquareFeet #PropertyListing #HouseHunting #HouseForSale

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