The Real Estate Photography Hub Blog

90 - Editing Session - Job Shadow #3 - Aerial Photography - Community Photos

Written by Jordan Nielsen | Apr 8, 2023 11:23:00 PM
In this video, I am going to show you how to edit some community aerial photos using Lightroom. As I begin working on folder number six, I decide not to use the DNG converter and work with the images as is since there are not many photos and they are not that big. First, I need to fix the four by three aspect ratio on these images. To do this, I go to the crop tool and drop down to select four by three. This crops a bit from the top and bottom, which is usually done to reduce excessive amounts of sky. Once this is done, I move on to making adjustments to the images. Since the customer has ordered five community aerial photos and our next tier is at 10, I need to deliver nine photos or less. These photos were shot using the Mavic Air, so I have a pretty consistent lighting and weather throughout all the shots. I need to reduce the amount of photos to nine, so I carefully choose the photos that add the most value to the collection. I select shots of the park, the school, the field, the shopping center, and the neighborhood. I also consider the angle of the shots and how they relate to other photos in the collection. Once I have my selection of nine photos, I go to the Develop tab and make any necessary adjustments. I check the exposure, shadows, highlights, and straighten the images if needed. Once I am satisfied with the edits, I export the photos. I resize the photos to 2048 on the long edge and export them with 80% quality to reduce the file size. This makes it easier for the customer to handle the photos and saves them time on uploading to the MLS. Overall, editing community aerial photos is a fairly simple process. While there are some variables such as weather that may affect the photos, making adjustments in Lightroom is easy and straightforward. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. #AerialPhotography #PhotoEditing #Lightroom #MavicAir #CommunityPhotography #RealEstatePhotography #PhotoExport #AspectRatio #ImageSizing #QualityControl #ProfessionalPhotography #CustomerSatisfaction #OnlineDelivery #DigitalPhotography #VisualMarketing #PropertyMarketing #RealEstateMarketing

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