The Real Estate Photography Hub Blog

From Minimum Wage to Six Figures in Less Than a Year- Interview with Dominic Wilkerson

Written by Jordan Nielsen | Apr 2, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Dominique Wilkinson, a real estate photographer from Gig Harbor, Washington, has an incredible success story to share. In just his first year as a real estate photographer, Dominique went from making minimum wage to earning six figures. He has continued to expand his business and now has a team consisting of himself, two shooters, and an editing team led by his editor, Chris.

Jordan, from the Real Estate Photography Hub, recently interviewed Dominique, and they discussed how he got started in real estate photography, his journey to building a successful team, and his future goals for the business.

Dominique started in real estate photography in 2018, while working at a detail shop doing sales and marketing. He saw an ad on Facebook for a real estate photographer and applied for the job. After a long interview process, he was offered a position with a local company, which gave him the experience and network of photographers he needed to get started. Dominique learned a lot about how to deal with problematic clients in the beginning, which helped him to become a better photographer.

In 2020, Dominique decided it was time to leave the company and start his own business. He brought on a 3D operator and a photographer friend to work with him, and together they have built a successful team. They have found success in offering a luxury package that includes photo, video, drone, and 3D services.

One of the keys to Dominique's success has been finding the right people for his team. He has learned that having the right fit is crucial to growing a successful business. Dominique also shares his experience with delegating editing to an editor, which has allowed him to focus on growing his business and doing more shoots.

Dominique's future goals for his business include selling it to a big box company in the next five years. But for now, he is happy growing his business and living his dream of becoming a hermit and raising alpacas on a hill in Wyoming.

Overall, Dominique's journey is an inspiration for aspiring real estate photographers. His story shows that with hard work, determination, and finding the right people, anyone can turn their passion into a successful business.