The Real Estate Photography Hub Blog

177 - Building Your Website

Written by Jordan Nielsen | Apr 10, 2023 5:12:15 PM
In this video, I'll be discussing the process of building a website for a real estate media business. As someone who started a similar business in 2013, I initially used WordPress and a plugin called Gravity Forms to build our website. However, with the current options available, I would recommend starting with a simpler approach. Platforms like Wix and Squarespace offer easy-to-use templates, making it simple to create a professional-looking website with an order form. Wix even offers real estate photography templates that make it easy to get started quickly. The cost for these platforms is reasonable, typically around 20 to 30 dollars a month, which includes hosting, a domain name, and other features. When it comes to setting up the order form, you'll need to decide whether to base pricing on square footage or a flat rate per number of photos. If you decide on square footage, you'll need to add variables to the order form. Alternatively, using flat rate pricing based on the number of photos will make the setup process easier. Once the website and order form are up and running, it may be a little inefficient at first, but spending time setting up additional tools like Zapier will make the process easier in the long run. In the beginning, it's important to focus on building relationships with potential customers rather than worrying about efficiency. As the business grows, you can then prioritize efficiency by streamlining processes and using tools like Zapier to automate tasks. With a simple and professional website in place, you'll be able to start taking orders and building your real estate media business. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. #websitedesign #webdevelopment #smallbusinesswebsite #onlinemarketing #onlinesales #realestatephotography #photographybusiness #Squarespace #Wix #orderform #automation #Zapier #businessgrowth

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