The Real Estate Photography Hub Blog

187 - Leadership

Written by Jordan Nielsen | Apr 10, 2023 5:32:44 PM
Leadership is a crucial aspect of any successful business. In order to lead a group of people or an organization, one must possess a set of skills that help motivate, inspire, and guide others towards a common goal. As someone who is passionate about leadership, I have studied and implemented various tools and techniques that have helped me become a better leader over the years. One tool that stands out is the q12 survey, developed by the Gallup organization. The survey consists of 12 questions that help define what a team needs from their leader. The questions range from knowing what is expected of you at work to feeling like your opinions count, to having opportunities to learn and grow. As a leader, it is important to make sure that your team has all the resources and tools they need to be successful. This includes knowing what is expected of them, recognizing their good work, caring about them as individuals, and encouraging their development. It is also crucial to have open communication and to make sure that the team's opinions count. In addition to providing resources and recognition, it is also important to lead by example. All team members should be considered leaders in their own way, and as a leader, it is important to address unacceptable behaviors head-on and take action when necessary. As a business owner and CEO, I make it a habit to check in with my team members monthly or quarterly to discuss their progress and skill development. We use a system called people box to help facilitate these meetings and ensure that everyone is on the same page. In conclusion, leadership is a vital aspect of any successful business. It is important to provide resources, recognition, and encouragement to team members while also leading by example and addressing unacceptable behaviors. By utilizing tools like the q12 survey and regularly checking in with team members, a leader can create a positive and productive work environment that leads to success. #leadership #teamwork #employeeengagement #motivation #development #communication #progress #success #organizationalculture #peoplemanagement

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